What We Believe
We believe what the church has believed from the beginning. The simplest summation of these beliefs can be found in the Apostles' Creed and the Nicene Creed.
There is one God equally existent in three distinct persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This tri-unity (or trinity) reflects the relational nature of God who desires connection and relationship. God demonstrates His love through the Father's heart, the Son's finished work, and the Holy Spirits comfort and empowerment. This concept is best encapsulated in the profound statement made by the Apostle John: God is Love.
Jesus Christ, who is The Word of God (logos), exists as the perfect revelation of all that God is. By stating that we are Christocentric, we acknowledge the uniqueness of Jesus as THE (exclusive) visible image of the invisible God. Fully man and fully divine, Jesus is indeed perfect theology. Therefore, we hold to an optimistic and victorious eschatology.
The death, burial, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ excludes no one but was uniformly applied to all of the creation. His death was our death and His resurrection our resurrection. The alienation man once felt from God, but was exclusively within the mistaken identity of man’s mind, has been fully reconciled through Jesus. While the inclusion of all humanity in the Finished Work of Jesus did not require man’s consent, reception of this fully applied gift is necessary for one to experience the fullness of joy that is already theirs. Believing removes the lie of sin and separation that was in our minds. This belief awakens our Spirit, allowing us to enjoy all the benefits of the finished work, growing in grace and maturity, by the renewing and transformation of our minds.
Join us this weekend to see what we’re all about!