What We Value
We are thankful and excited about what Christ has done, and continues to do in our lives. Because of this, our worship services are high energy. We celebrate the life we have and we come with an expectation ready to receive from the Word of God.
Our God is a generous God. We reflect that as the Church! We have a saying around here that is short and sweet. ‘And then some.’ What this means is we go above and beyond in all areas, including our finances. We support several overseas missionaries and organizations that work to further the Kingdom, as well as many ministries right here at home. Click Here to learn more about supported ministries.
When Jesus called the disciples to ‘follow Him’, they each took a massive risk. Jesus also revealed that following Him is not always easy. We never want to play it safe when it comes to the Kingdom. We are a people that take risks as we seek to follow God wherever He may lead us.
We provide many areas and opportunities for people to take part in the ministry we are doing. From Hill City Kids and the Welcome Team, to Live It Saturdays and Connect Groups, there are many areas for us to serve in. We choose to contribute to what the Lord is doing in and through our Church and not just be consumers. (We choose to contribute by getting in the game instead of just consume and critique on the sidelines.)
The youth are the Church of today - not tomorrow. We believe in thinking generationally and leaving a legacy worth following. God is always moving and always calling, and we never want to discount the generation coming up behind us. We are passionate about not just pouring into the next generation for ministry tomorrow, but to equip them for ministry today!
Jesus came to show us how to relate with humanity. He loved people others rejected, and accepted those who were nothing like him. This is how Jesus calls us to live our lives. In John 13:34, Jesus said “"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” Our desire is that we would truly love people unconditionally.
Grace changes everything. This is something we know personally, as the grace and mercies poured out on us are new every morning. It is through this lens that we view every aspect of our ministry. The grace that God offers is radical and amazing, and we strive to show people this grace in all that we say and do.
Community is what God has created us for, not isolation. We know that doing life together is the key to thriving in the Kingdom. Our worship services are not the only opportunity we have to get to know others and grow in relationship. Through serving on teams and joining connect groups, we gain the opportunity to be encouraged by our brothers and sisters in Christ.